Best 13 movies from 2009
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Best Movies of the 2009

District 9

22. Avatar (December) – To think this would
be my number 2 before I seen it would not be believable by. This is the first non-animated movie I’ve
seen in the new 3-d technology and it doesn’t change the story, characters or
appearance but it’s the next advancement that with 5 years a majority of movies
will have. James Cameron tried his best
to fit every genre in hear and with the help of Worthington’s acting and the
creative design to make this new planet he has a classic on his hand. (Review
will come later)
The Princess and the Frog
33. T-4/Terminator Salvation (May) - After
20 years of this movie being referenced too it finally comes out. Even though Christian Bale had his Batman
voice throughout the whole thing. The
war building is cool and I hope in the future they work just as hard on an epic
battle as they did laying out finally the post apocalyptic scenario.

44. Hangover (June) – This comedic gem kept
my friends and I laughing throughout the whole movie and I can’t think of
another comedy that has done this. Star
Trek was good but this feature had to start from scratch with not so popular
Ice Age III
55. Star Trek (May) –This is the last movie
on this list that I would exclaim that you must see in the theaters this year. I grew up being a Trekkie and this is the
second movie with Spock I’ve seen there.
JJ Abram knows how to bring the effect and there’s no way you can get
the same intensity at home.

66. Pink Panther 2 (February) – This might
be an odd movie at #6 but this is only one of two movies that Steve Martin did
and there’s no way in hell I’m going to watch a chick flick without force.
77. Zombieland (October) – This movie
reached this point because of the creative way it made a zombie movie into a
comedy and though Shaun of the Dead is
a comedy it ends up having a more realistic storyline that follows other
storylines as this found another unique angle to watch the apocalyptic journey
This is it

88. Obsessed (April) – A very overlooked
that made me very surprised when watching.
Some points of it seem repetitive but what I look for when I sit down to
watch a movie is something active and different and this one draws it name out
and doesn’t keep me waiting through long and self absorbed dialogue, Watchmen!
Runner-up: Crank
99. Watchmen (March) – A story that has also
waited decades for it to created into visual motion. This movie fulfilled its goal of laying the
comic book into film. This movie was
long but it got lost in its own dialogue a lot which made viewers want to yell
fight already. I understand it is suppose
to be a philosophical/politically motivated movie but that doesn’t mean I have
to like it more than the others on this list because of that.
Runner-up: I
love you, Man
110. Public Enemies (July) – An overrated
movie that everyone loved just because Johnny Depp was in it. Don’t mark it though because of that little
exclamation this was still a good film.
The biggest reason why it is lower on the list is because it takes too much
of a grayscale on if bank robberies and murder are righteous. Also, this movie drags with its dialogue.
Runner-up: Transformers

1 11. Paranormal Activity (September) –A distinctive
feature that copycatted Blair Witch. One could practically call this the home
version of that. Being a decade later it
took the reign by the horns and still scaring folks unlike any other current
horror in this time of skeptics.
Runner-up: Gamer
1 12. Precious (November) - Seeing Mo’nique
who I very much enjoy watching as much as her characters as always
similar. Precious is another teen movie
but towards a very dark dimension. It’s
a corny storyline about having dreams but do not worry Disney will not being
buying the rights to this rugged must see.
Runner-up: Ninja

1 13. Taken (January) – A revenge that take
all the length it needs to bring in the audience. It reminded much of Man on Fire except on an international scale. Liam Neeson does a great job but it ended
taking last for this year’s top film because the genre is too common but at
least it made it to the top 13.
Runner-up: Notorious
Hopeful upcoming blogs:
-My ballot for Golden Globes
-Movie review of Avatar and Angels & Demons
-Dreamy records.
[views 87]

"re rating your ratings: best to worst 7 2 1 4 3 11 13 12 8 6 5 10 9
and i think i love you, man should be like ..#2
but there were a lot more great movies you should do like, top three in every genre
watchmen was too long and boring for me"
"Oh my gosh, Ashley
. You read my blog
. I am so happy to hear from you. I didn't know you still used myspace. How are you doing? How is your baby?
You liked T-4 that much. I liked it a bunch but I'm too big of a fan of Tarantino.
I've been wanting to see I Love You, Man but I forgot to grab from Johnny"

You liked T-4 that much. I liked it a bunch but I'm too big of a fan of Tarantino.
I've been wanting to see I Love You, Man but I forgot to grab from Johnny"
"lol your right there are the top movies!!.. "look it the baby wacking off"!
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