Blog April
Convention talk
I just wanted to start out this
blog talking about my first weekend back in St. Paul since a few months. The first for me to check was the anime
convention. I am not really into anime
except for Naruto but a lot of my friends
were attending so I thought it would
be worth it. It was in the old Ramada
hotel. It’s kind of hard and ridiculous
to check out all the hotels in my hometown.
Say that, this was the first time I’ve been in this hotel. The older hotel seemed smaller but I made it
to the 22nd floor to get this amazing view but it’s too bad. This anime gimmick was a Friday to
Sunday. Another journey of mine of to a
late start is what will be explained here.
A few weeks before this whole convention gimmick I was unsure if I could
even attend even though I paid for the pass.
The Friday of that week JP Network, a Japanese American club, I’m the
president of had a grill fundraiser. It
turned out to be okay because I had a few friends who I have known since I’ve
been to St. Cloud and they assured me I would have a ride. Also, a French participant wanted to hook a
ride along us too. We hooked up after
the grill and made our way towards St. Paul.
It took us awhile because we had to stop at Jill’s place in
Clearwater. It kind of stunk though
because there was a possible end of the year Wild game I could’ve too but
there’s always next season.

There were not any major problems
until we got there that is
. Apparently
the club in charge of planning this gimmick ‘reserved’ 5 rooms but the hotel
only allows reservations of 2 rooms a party.
This left 3 groups of five people without room. If this were known ahead of time instead of
one person reserving they could have 3 without a problem.

The situation was our ride was one
of the groups that didn’t have a ride.
During the ride down is when we tried figuring things out. Plan A was to have everyone crash at my place
eastside St. Paul. I made sure to check
with my dad but no problem. This didn’t
have to be the case because the group found a deal with a dealer named Steve. Dealer Steve said if they worked enough they
could stay in his room. At first the pay
made it so we would be done soon enough but then since it was to ‘payback
money’ we got paid less per hour. At
this point I wasn’t doing the best; this is my first convention gimmick and I didn’t
know what to expect
. Now, I’m going to
work for most of it and it’s when I didn’t even expect to stay at the hotel but
my own house. Hell, I was doing this mostly
to hang with my friends and figure what the hype was all about.

Turns out the club had money or
something when they couldn’t spend it on the rooms the hotel didn’t allow them
to use. We didn’t have to work that and
it was covered. I did work an hour with
an annoying lady
with nothing to show for it but its cool next year I’ll get my
$8. After all this we finally got to
hang for a little bit and found out the Wild won 4-1 that night. Would’ve rather been at that game than deal
with that fiasco. Walked home after
hanging for a bit, the walk from downtown turned out longer than I thought
; an

I got locked out of my house again,
though. Damn!
My family always locks out the outside door
because it’s easier when I only have the key to the inside. I got in sooner or later when my brothers
decided to come. Next morning I was
reminded my family was too lazy to answer the phone when all morning it kept
ringing and ringing. Soon enough my own
phone rang from my friend who wanted to pick me up. We went to McDonalds and went shopping.

Back at the hotel there really
wasn’t too much to do. I collected
Naruto, the only anime I really watch, cards and so I thought I should give
them a try. Turns out I didn’t have what
I needed even though I’ve been collecting for awhile. It was fun but dragged
out. It was interesting to see even in the
smallest sets of competition how strong pride and hierarchy comes into play
especially when only at the most 20 people would know how to play. I had to hurry it because I had to go with my
friend Melisa to the Swarm game that night.
The funny thing I was given a coupon earlier for two free tickets to the
Swarm game; I wanted to offer these to my family since I already had tickets
from Melissa.

Swarm Swabbling
When I went to the room I checked my
brags I brought and the tickets weren’t there; they were I just suck a
looking. My friend Kayla offered the
advice of just asking at the front desk.
I couldn’t imagine that they were just handing them out and if they were
why at a nerd convention. Sorry, but I
don’t think at least 75% of them ever even been outside for more than 25
minutes without melting. So, I go about
this questionable task of just asking. I
came up to the hotel counter thinking the clerk would laugh at me or something
with 18 minutes left before the game. I
asked if it was possible if I can get any free coupons for the game she
replied, “How many do you need?” I was
, not only did they have tickets but I could get as many as I
needed. I made sure walking to the Xcel
I told my dad about the free tickets and on the way I met a few friends from
St. Cloud. With free tickets I wanted to
see if they can come to the Swarm game but they had other plans with their
romances. My whole family was able to go
because of this except my dad. It was
quick back and forth game. We won but I
had a hard time of keeping up.

Later, I partied with the Moehring
family and friends at the Mickey’s Diner, the one outside of downtown. There were either problems with the TV or
were invading that night. Who
knows? More than likely it was part of snow
storm conspiracy. Nothing too big was
happening on TV that company couldn’t keep more entertained; it was Kare 11 so
there was news and some SNL. The Moehrings
and friends are great company but they keep kidding about forgetting each other
in horrible locations and waiting forever for autographs by mean TWINS. Autographs are great for the history and the
books but never really worth much money in my experience but after I get
autographs I don’t do a good job of the objects signed in good condition.

Enough about my idea of how useless
autographs are because the way I care for my possessions. Afterwards, I was dropped off at the hotel
where my friends mom made a comment of how there’s clowns hanging out because
all of the people still wearing costumes.
I don’t get the costume thing myself.
Wanting to be like a real person is one thing but hoping to be a
fictional character is something but I guess that was the place to do it if
anything. Too bad these guys wouldn’t
dress crazy like that for Halloween

The craziness exhausted me until I
heard about this magical ‘Gojira’/Godzilla drinking room, where they were
serving alcohol as long as you tipped. DEAL!!!
I am not alcoholic it just relaxed me
in this crazy environment. Hell, I went outside to find my friends again
as it was still sloshing and they were just chilling smoking a cigarette. I smoked a quick cigarette as I do once and
awhile. I don’t condone it or inhale but
I hope I waste my friend’s cigarettes fast enough to the point where they can’t
afford another; this plan does not work. I guess it even gave one of the youngions the
encouragement to attempt to dive into my drink; she did it as if she was diving
in a pool. My my!

Everything kept calm
this. I wish I would’ve got back earlier
to swim in time but oh well. Pretty the
rest of Saturday night/Sunday morning went on as me crashing with my friend
Kristen and Kayla. We went to the fake
dance, which wasn’t that exciting. A
real club has strippers :P. The most
detailed part I remember before falling asleep was that our friends Joanna and
Dan, who were dating the new positions of Auntie Joe and Uncle Dan because they
wouldn’t stop jibber jabbering.

next day was move-out and
nothing else. This convention had
panels. A panel usually is a table of
five or fewer scholars of whatever the panel topic is. I tried stopping
at several panels but none
of them seem worthwhile or organize.
They were mostly unorganized discussion rather than anything educational
about the Japanese art. Meh. Next year I want to propose the "It was a
fucking Wizard" panel; whenever nerds asked for a explanation the panel
just angrily
says "It was a fucking wizard". There was a nice demonstration of Bukadon,
swordplay. The cool thing about them is
how discipline they were and they had to slice rolled up wet straw; it was very
thick stuff. Hopefully next year we can find
a way to this St. Paul Japanese Martial Art group to come to Japan Night. We’ll see.
The saddest part of that morning was saying ‘goodbye’ to my friend
Tiffany because the weekend she was in St. Paul but in another hotel. We did have a good photo together. Big bummer.
Tiffany, I’ll find something for us to do that’s longer than 10
minutes. To end my adventure at this
anime gimmick my friend Mardis, whose Dad looks just like him, help me get to
my house so I can plan out Wrestlemania deal.

Wresltlemania 25 review
It was nice to actually be home
during the day to see my family. I think
the last time I seen them was February 20th and this was April 3rd. Of course, nothing too exciting happened but
it’s great
to see my family no matter how annoying they may be. Last step of this weekend was going to see
Melissa again for Wrestlemania.

If anyone knows me they know I’m
always late. I asked my dad to give me a
ride an hour early thinking the PPV started at 7 not worry if it was a little
less than an hour or not I wouldn’t have cared.
We were leaving around 6:05pm when Melissa called me up to ask me
if I
was still coming. “What do you mean am I
still coming?” Ha, the PPV started at
6pm since it’s Wrestlemania it was 4 hours instead of three making it
begin an
hour earlier. So, I got there around
6:30 making me miss the most of the Money in the bank match. They never
impressed any ways. The match usually is pretty slow placed so
the wrestlers can set up some pretty high spots. A match like this is
supposed to be an opportunity
grabber making the situation fast and desperate. Shelton Benjamin came
out impressive as
always. One thing I wish could’ve been
changed too is having The Brian Kendrick in it instead of Finlay.
Everyone knows Finlay isn’t going to win and
Brian was getting a push which has almost halted. Plus, Kendrick is
cool because the guy is a
high flyer but since becoming a heel also a strong technical wrestler
too. Kinds of stunk seeing CM Punk win it
again. I was hoping for Mark Henry,
Shelton Benjamin or MVP wins it but maybe next year.

Jericho v. oldis
The next match was Chris Jericho
versus the oldies(Rowdy Piper, Jimmy Snuka and Ricky “the steamboat” Dragon). I was not too excited about this match
A. watching Ric Flair, Roddy Piper and Snuka
make a million comebacks is annoying
b. Their wrestling hurts my eyes

C. Ric Flairs woos are not that
d. A celebrity, Mickey Rourke, was
involved and I hate it when WWE puts the prowess of celebrity popularity in
front of their own business.
The match was pretty lagging for ½ of it. The build-up for it was Chris Jericho abusing
retired wrestlers. Piper or Snuka would
come back always talking about the good ol’ days. That stuff was so bad I was happy Jericho
came and kicked them around. Ricky
Steamboat though made a big difference and was still in great shape. I wish the
match was only between those two. To
tell you the truth I didn’t even know what type of match it was suppose to be just
“Jericho v. Legends” When the party finally figured it out after we thought it
was over when he pinned Piper and the match was still going that it was a
elimination handicap match. After the
flunks Piper and Snuka were eliminated Steamboat got to show off his still
impressive moves. He was wrestling like
he did back in his day and he even dressed as if he was there but his age did
take a toll on his looks. After Ricky
made a few close pin falls Jericho got him with the ‘Code breaker’. Everyone walked away licking their wounds as
Jericho wanted to brag and attack Rourke.
Leading to the oh so corny Mickey taking off his shirt and punching
Jericho out. Why did he punch him
out? Didn’t he remember any moves from
filming? I’m dissing the skit itself not
Rourke or his movie, “The Wrestler”.
Kid Rock & 'Miss Wrestlemania'
next part was the awkwardly long Kid Rock ho down. Don’t get me wrong, this guy from Detroit is
freaking amazing. Melisa and I did
wonder why he didn’t sing at the Wrestlemania we went because it was in Detroit
and all but whatever. This kind of
seemed like a time filler with him singing up to 6 songs; some classic, some
newer ones. They may have been able to
use this time better by having a Tag Team championship match instead of making
Morrison be in a dark match. First time I
saw him live on TV. Although, I am
thinking about going to see him at the State Fair if it doesn’t sell out before
I decide. He sang as the ladies
came down
for the Miss Wrestlemania battle royal.
It kind of ruined the prestige of the battle royal though. The advertising was 25 women from any time in
WWE history. “Cool, they are going to
bring back some good Diva wrestling”.
They were there but you sure didn’t know who. The women all came down during a Kid Rock
song making them look like his background dancers. One cannot tell who is who during such a big
battle royal. Being a fan of these women’s
wrestling you would miss out if your girl was even there. Santino/a Marrella won, which was pretty
stupid and made the women’s division look even worse but its kind building up
to some funny stuff now.

Intercontinental Championship
next one was a quickie between JBL and Rey Mysterio. Not much good
notes about this one. Mysterio had a cool new joker mask with the
hair that he debuting. JBL lost his
intercontinental match in the quickest fashion.
I know everyone hates him but that’s his gimmick
, people. He quit afterward, which disappointed me for
his last match in WWE and a Wrestlemania match.

Brothers to be single child match (Hardys)
and Jeff Hardy had a brother rivalry building up since Matt smashed Jeff in the
face making him lose his championship. I
liked this scenario but it stinks Matt had to lose his ECW Championship for
it. They should’ve let him keep it and
make Jeff join ECW to hunt Matt down creating the perfect scenario for a ‘extreme
rules’ match. I get they’re team extreme
and all but it kind of came out of nowhere.
The match was very good. I give
it B+
because it had a lot of high-flying hardcore action with Matt’s technical
skill. They coddle Jeff so much it
surprised me they gave the more loyal Hardy a win he definitely deserves. Matt is so talented because he play any side
of the aisle so well. He took the
passion heel gimmick and ran so far with people really get into hating him.

Shawn Michaels v. Undertaker
nothing much to say about Michael and Undertaker but of course “FUCKING SUPER
It’s hard to make much
comment on it. There was a sick spot to
it. Undertaker did his dive towards Michaels
outside the ring but Shawn duck making ‘Taker land on top of the
almost breaking his head; I heard rumors the camera man was Sims Snuka.
The buildup was simple but worked very tell. Michaels played the
clever kid that was always
teasing the big dumb ogre, at Wrestlemania though that Ogre had its day
with a
Tombstone piledriver.

World Championships
last two World Championship matches were what I expected them and they weren’t
that great
. HHH is awesome but when he
wrestles in long matches he makes drag because of his slowness while Randy’s aggression
and energy kept me in it. Edge did the
same thing in the trip threat. It had
sloppy ending with Cena giving Edge an FU on Big Show; I admit it’s a little
cool but I probably couldn’t tell because I was pissed of it was happening. Before Wrestlemania the match was claimed to
be ‘Edge v. Big Show’, which would’ve been great for a main event. The two kept on having the funniest bits fighting
over Vickie Guerrero; she is doing such a great job as GM.

was my weekend of April 2nd to the 4th. Didn’t mean to make it so long but I guess I
can be really descriptive when I want to be
I will have another blog for May no matter what for skipping on
April. I will promise to have a blog
monthly because I fell really behind last year.
Below are topics I want to go over so if there is anyone in particular
that you want me to go over let me know and I’ll get it done quicker since I’ll
actually have motivation.

Japan Night Talk – My product that show I could handle being
JP Network President
Fugitive talk – Finally seen US Marshall prequel and
Harrison did not disappoint
MN Wild – Hockey can be such a gift but hurtful at the same
time to Minnesotans
Doubt – Hollywood’s propaganda of priest
Halloween Preparations – H2 is coming and I need to look
more sick and twisted than before
Politics – I guess this should be what I should be blogging
Wolverine – Another 'meh' movie from Marvel
Disturbed Concert – A awesome end of the finals surprise and
I got a Mike Wengren’s drum stick
[views 29]
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