My Election Endorsement (St.Cloud, MN) and new myspace preview :(
Current mood:

Myspace portion on the 2nd half below
I wanted to send this out in hopes that
people will learn a new trait about the candidates up for grabs in
the St. Cloud area Minnesota election. If you ask anyone who is
voting to speak about a candidate they will act very informed giving
a list of information that are variations of the same facts from a
single commercial. When I talk to people people if it's negative or
positive it will be the same thing from all of those people. If you
know me you will where I will stand in scale.
MN Gubernatorial election
Why does gubernatorial
mean governor?
Tom Emmer

Reason:Tom Emmer is raised
as a Minnesotan going to school at St. Thomas High School and not
being afraid of to take the city bus to his legislative sessions.
Unlike most conservatives he doesn't want to go and cut everything.
His plan is to prioritize everything in a public order and in a dream
world it would all be covered but is open to keeping what is
essential. If you were to watch footage from any of the recent
sessions you can see that Tom is one of the most active members of
the MN legislation by always asking questions seeing if the finances
fit the future and final budget. The problem is Mark Dayton is far
from active. He was a do nothing Senator that knew he put himself in
trouble and thought a break would have people forget which it sadly
looks like it is. He hasn't been active in Minnesota in recent years
except for politically fund-raising.
US Representative
Michelle Bachmann

She has always been smart
financially. In 2008 standing out from John McCain when he wouldn't
back his own words by sign onto wasteful spending with these bailouts
and stimulus packages that have been wasted. Companies claim they
need to avoid bankruptcy but still claim it after taking so much
money. In recent years during the G-20 being led by smaller countries
as Zimbabwe and Venezuela declare that we can't let our economic
decision be restrained from countries who don't have as much at
stake. Clark attempts battle for the title of financially sound but
she comes up short herself or would that be too much. Clark has used
her seniority to an advantage when it definitely is not needed.
Until 2008 she had one the highest per diems in Minnesota's
legislation but to give her credit she hacked it down by 10% to
correct herself. Although you can see other examples in her voting
record when she voted against cutting any of legislation's pay.
Minnesota Attorney General
Lori Swanson
She comes from strong
Minnesota backgrounds attending Willie Mitchell for Law School and is
very active against fraud. Pushing for women in Minnesota she is the
first women US attorney. I've had a few problems myself that the
current AG office was very helpful and efficient to solve the
problem. Chris Barden seems okay but seems to be more active in the
field of psychology than in law not showing me any sign of a positive
difference in the state attorney's office.
Secretary of State
Dan Severson
The Franken Coleman election
was a complete wreck because of this bumbling idiot. There was no
procedure for a situation like this. Following the final decision we
hear no news from the secretaries office about if the problem was to
happen in the future. Even though the secretary of state department
does not make the rules by themselves they can come up with ideas and
organize what they have. Severson has come up with several ways to
end confusion and fraud at the polls. Currently there is no need for
picture id just a claim of a local address. The problem is that
those with veil can travel among the states voting many times. Ids
should have full facial picture otherwise they are pointless. I do
like the way Alabama did it. Have people vote between the top two
candidates. Rank voting was brought up but it is way to computerized
making it easy for when Mark Ritches are elected to make a humongous
mess and 3rd parties would get destroyed.
State Representative
district 15b
King Banaian
He is a professor at SCSU
who has first hand experience with the citizens who have been voting
in the area. King plans how to make the state on a balance budget
unlike Lewis who is trying to go for the easy Democratic spot. I
have not as much knowledge about Lewis but I heard her speak and boy
do I hate dreamy speakers. She kept repeating how she is here for
the students but wouldn't say why or how she is going to help us.
Are you going to try to lower tuition because that's impossible? The
best we can do is take away from programs that aren't effectively
being used by the targeted students and pat themselves on the back;
UPB and RHA in particular.
Why do you personally want
your candidate to win that isn't a commercial or party reason?
MySpace preview
thing that people who haven't left don't like is change. I've said
this many a times but as you can see by the overall reaction it is
very true. I was resistant to coming to MySpace but having a
ridiculous imagination I enjoy the customization features. For
awhile my-spacers can control what they look at when they log in and
what their friends see when they stop by their profiles. MySpace
even came up with a nice feature where if you don't enjoy seeing your
friends creativity you can change it to lite view.
other features I believe MySpace has the advantage in that assist the
customization feature is their access to music and options to blogs.
Originally it appeared that the site was a blog site that changed
into a social network. Now instead of being it's own entity and
going back to basics of being a blogging network MySpace wants to be
an migration of face-book(social network) and twitter (celebrity
stalkers). The MySpace’s CEO interview he sound so stupid and
pathetic claiming MySpace will have no competition because it's its
own kind of site. What kind of standards are these?
the reason people use face-book as their default site is because it's
easy to find their friends and it's easy to stalk their friends.
People are generally evil and want to find gossip while we want
flaunt that we shouldn't. You don't believe me check how many people
want a thumbs down feature. The ultimate gossip test. How sick is
that? Definitely, MySpace’s weakest area is the friend search
tool. Hell, I couldn't even find myself. It is a nice thing that
creating our own URL is an option because that was the only way I
could get people to find me. The other area that MySpace does
pathetic in is 'groups'. They are so boring and the creativity
powers we get with our own profiles we lose and it forces many
entities that should be group into profiles. MySpace should've sent
out surveys first to seek their strengths and weaknesses but from
what I've seen the current MySpace staff don't like any negative
feedback. Any complaints on the forums are locked or deleted. I've
never dealt with such obvious ignorance before.
definition of customization to me is the chance to freely express
what I like while not forcing it one anyone. Sometimes if people put
the appropriate consideration into their profile I could almost spend
a half hour to an hour on it like a web site. My biggest problem
with MySpace’s staff in this upgrade is their hapless reasoning.
When the homepage was changed to our homepage to just blah white the
reasons were MySpace was made for our friends to look at not us and
the pages took too long to load. I haven't had this problem but it
seems that now I do and the themes were the first things to load.
had a short comedy about upgrading with the airline steward. The
designer was showing the guy how to better his space. What? Why was
someone else showing another how to describe themselves better what a
snobby ass thing to do? I thought the video was funny but I don't
think it sent the positive message MySpace was trying to get to us.
3.0 is taking away our customization opportunity we all had before by
shape everyone's space exactly the same but we can have different
colors taking away the strength that HTML has.
one fell swoop of our chance to customize is going to be a hard hit.
Another alternative MySpace gave us before was the option to upgrade
or not. Face-book just re-frames the whole site without caring if
it's what will make it enjoyable or adjustable. There is a
difference whether they care or not.
conclusion, I am sure these changes will be adjustable and the one
positive thing is I will be able to change my background again since
MySpace’s profile editor stopped working since I used that one
freaking time. By the way their previews suck. I hate cryptic
messages or teases to something that is not ready. I have been
disappointed by too many people in real life to deal with faceless
claims on the internet.
[views 68]
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