2010's best 13 movies
2010 best movies of the
Basically, the list will
start from 13 to go onto numero uno. I believe when it comes time
for awards a lot of earlier movies are forgotten. So that there is
less of a chance of a movie being left out I choose the best from
each month and start ranking from there. It actually makes it a lot
easier on me too since I must have seen about 30 movies from 2010 and
there are still a few more I want to get to. Check it out and
hopefully one of your favorites made it.
Due Date [November]
The only reason 'Due Date made bottom of the list is because it is
the only movie of my 13 I haven't seen yet. Goofy, right? It made
the list because of the popularity and Zack Galifinakis great talent
at making awkwardness an art. Also for the runner up, finally the
Rock has come back to the action genre. Not sure what it is about
but can't go too wrong when it also stars Vin Diesel.
Percy Jackson by ~Dhesia on deviantART
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief [February]
Shutter Island
I enjoy family films. Actually as you go down the list you will see
that I rate them highly in the year of 2010 but this one made it so
obvious that certain content was being held back because of the
target audience. Percy Jackson made the list because of the fun and
simple journey almost anybody wished they could be brought on.
Shutter Island has the appropriate elements for an A film but it was
one of those flicks that had a twist that makes you know not want to
watch it again unlike the Greek alternative.

Edge of Darkness [January]
Day Breakers
Mel Gibson has had a bad year but I will not stop supporting him.
One way to support Mel's Jew hating women abusing ways is to mark his
movie as the 11th
best movie f 2010. All kidding aside, Gibson's acting was very
considered with his Boston accent and strong dedication towards
finding his daughter's killer. My biggest problem with it is the
backstory was too far gone for Mel Gibson's character. Suppose it
was part the blend of his character but it also took away from the
wartchability of the film.
Robert De Niro-Little Fockers by ~MrTARDIS on deviantART
10. Little Fockers [December]
2nd: The Fighter
Robert De Niro-Little Fockers by ~MrTARDIS on deviantART
10. Little Fockers [December]
2nd: The Fighter
Watched this one on Christmas. Emphatically people can rewatch this
but while sitting threw it the over the top misunderstanding appeared
to be very similar to a comedy sitcom like friends. Robert DeNiro
did an amazing job sticking to his hardcore concerned character. I
did catch myself laughing a bunch but it's hard to figure if any of
that is Ben Stiller's fault. Is Galifinakis onto something when he
tried to see if Stiller had a future in following his parents? The
use of Barbara Streisand and Hoffman was well used again. The
commercials insinuated a more corny use of the Focker parents but I
did feel the same way after watching it. Runner-up for December was
touchy since I haven't seen any others and I have really wanted to
see either Fighter
or True Grit
or Warrior's Way
or The Tourist.
My brother Justin helped me out with this. He seen Tourist and
Fighter and loved them both. I chose the Fighter because I think
Johnny Depp is slightly overrated.

Machete [September]
Resident Evil 4 – Afterlife
The thing about Robert Rodrigez's films is that the story may not be
the best but he'll give the general audience what they want. Even
going into most audience should know what type of movie to expect.
Unlike the earlier films on the list this is the point where every
aspect quality wise has been taken care of; storywriting, directing
and yes even acting with actors such as Lindsay Lohan, Steven Segal
and bad @$$ Danny Trejo. Rober DeNiro was in this too. The reason
this qualitative film is on the lower part of the list is because of
the political issue sarcastically discussed in the film. This type
of sardonically debate technique that is commonly used on Jon Stewart
works well because people see it as good entertainment and than think
it's clever that entertainment can also include news. Resident Evil
could've took Se[tember because I love Milo Jovovich as an action
star but the overall story of this series will never end so I can't
in good conscious put it in the top of 2010.

Kick-@$$ [April]
This is the only superhero film that made the list and had great
acting by Nicholas Cage and whoever play Hit-Girl and Kick-@$$ (@$$
Kick). My mistake was reading the comic before watching the movie.
The comic was pretty tragic and somewhat realistic in the comic
unlike the film which got really corny in the end. So the right
people were there but the wrong decisions were made. Although
Nicholas Cage did make a better Big Daddy than the jerk in the comic.
Poor Steve Carrel was in so many films in 2010 and only gets
runner-up in April. Date Night was but no consistent laughter or a
good enough story to care during the movie.
Prince Of Persia by ~TheBlackDoll on deviantART
Prince of Persia [May]
Iron Man 2
This is the first time I've seen Jake Gyllenhal as an action star and
he did a good job too. Who'd a think the dweeb from October Sky
would get built and tan enough to get away as a Middle Eastern
Prince. I guess with enough facial hair anyone can get away with
appearing to be Mexican or Middle Eastern. Hey, I get mistaken for a
Mexican sometimes when I get too lazy to shave. PoP reminded me of
the Scorpion King but not as corny. No wrong decisions were made for
this but nothing stood out either and that's how it place 7th.
Iron Man 2 was fun to watch especially with Mickey Rourke's
portrayal of the Russian villain was cool but I swear there was whole
20 minute chunk that could've been taken out.
Justin Timberlake, Jesse Eisenberg...The Social Network Prem
Uploaded by lifeminute. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows...
Social Network [October]
Here at #6 is the first drama on my top 13. Surprisingly, I enjoyed
this. Which is odd especially since I despise facebook. As crappy
as the movie tries making SuckerBuger look Jesse Eisenberg gives a
very relatable character that tries his best to alienate himself.
Also, I am sucker for the whole loyalty tangent that Justin
Timberlake had to mess with. Location of this film took place in a
conference room for the deposition. Production crew did a fantastic
job of finding various images to place in the film when really it
could've been done as a play. This is the point in the list also
where we hit the A films.
Expendables [August]
The Other Guys
Every big action star was labeled as being in here. In a way yes if
you count thirty seconds. Although Arnold was barely in this movie
for a few moments this movie had the Schwarzenegger essence times a
couple. Stallone and Stathom led rag tag crew though some wicked
explosions and presented us the kind of arsenal we all need to know
about in case of WW IV. Viewers can't look down at such cast
especially when the supporting crew is martial arts experts Jet Li
and robot specialist Terry Crews, who I hope has a better future in
Hollywood. Still don't know who Lundgrum is though. Other Guys was
a laugh factory but Expendables is for anybody to watch as the other
one might need a particular crowd.
Toy Story 3 - Spanish Buzz
Uploaded by LadyBlossom. - Discover more animation and arts videos.
Toy Story 3 [June]
Him to the Greek
didn't expect a 10 year sequal to turn out so well. I keep getting
surprised by movies I think are going to be bad but I enjoy being
surprised. Unlike Percy Jackson T3 certainly didn't have family
rating restrictions. These toys found a way to reach every kind of
reaction you could reach from an audience with Spanish Buzz Light
Year doing the cha cha or being scared by the bug eyed drumming
chimpanzee and big baby or tragedy of the near death scene at the
trash compactor. The sequel is a new Disney treasure that didn't
stick to the usual go happy flow as most Disney films do. Saying
this I feel goofy giving that as the same reason is that it was not
rated higher but #4 is nothing at all. Get Him to the Greek was
another laugh factory but it has no chance against T3 though and it
had a messed threesome ending that totally ruined it for me.
Predators [August]
on a limb with this one since it is not as highly rated among the
critic community as some of my other upper ranked films. Darn it
this is my list and I really digged this sequel. It had lowered
status actors that are surely Oscar worthy in Adrian Brody and
Lawrence Fishburne. The story was a typical man versus monster
battle but not really. Usually the supporting cast are there just as
bodies but that's what made this thriller so unique each supporting
character got their own background with their very own battles with
the monster that lasted more than 30 seconds and with as much cast
that was included in Predators that is very impressive and enjoyable
for the audience.
HTTYD - Fishing Lessons by =ArmadaRyu on deviantART
How to train your dragon [March]
Alice in Wonderland
goodness what a fun movie. The background behind could be made into
Encyclopedia with all the information they had on dragons. Um, now
that I think about it there was a book. This movie gave audience a
chance to use their imagination to think of a chance to go on their
own adventure. Only piece of this movie I really didn't was the
voice overs. Although I liked that they got people actually from
Scotland to do the voiceovers they didn't seem so natural oddly
enough. The adventure was grand and it had a moral message that
didn't compromise the naturalness of the movie like others with their
stupid peace on and what not.
2nd: Dinner for Schmuck
2nd: Dinner for Schmuck
surprise, right? Whatever. I didn't feel comfortable going into a
movie that either was a whole dream as a plot twist or one that made
everything abstract so that only hippies could understand what is
going on. Christopher Nolan knows how to present a compelling story
while making sure the audience get every little bit of information it
needs. We've seen this in Dark Knight where it could've dropped at
several points but there was a message to get through to the
characters. The acting in the movie was nothing short of super duper
amazing from Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Wattanabe, and Gordon
Joseph-Levitt. One must not forget the tragic sub-plot told by
Cillian Murphy. That's one of the cool things of the movie is that
they were multi layer stories but they would not blend with each
other or if one need they could be dropped while still enjoying the
imagination of this Matrix like world. Although there was a clear
ending unlike Matrix it started people popping with so much intensity
unlike any other ending. The astonishing disappointment from those
who read the book is that the movie wasn't even more complicated.
That's why this film is the best of 2010 it opens a world up of any
kind of adventure while at the same time keeping structure simple
enough to allow viewer to need to care about any tangent they choose
to lust over.
is my list. Any movies you think don't belong? What are your top
three? What actors put in the effort to entertain us whether they
are getting the awards or not?
[views 183]

"and ive never seen machettee and social network but eller wise u forgot narnia #3"
Jacob Cusick

"i like them all i dont know Inception and expendables but eller wise good taste i guess"
Jessica Cusick

"social network,prince of persia and little persia"
James Michael Cusick Jr,

"Little Persia?"
Amanda Warren

potter probably would have made your list. Well, i would like to see
most of the movies on your list. they sound pretty good. That little
fockers one looks questionable. I should go to the theatre more often"
James Michael Cusick Jr,

" I
really thought I should've seen Harry Potter at least for consideration
but when I thought about it I knew would be more entertained by Faster
or Due Date than Harry Boring!
Why did you have to pick on Vickie? It's bad enough Cena and Lawler have to do it but you have to be their friends and hurt the nice lady too."
Jessica Cusick
Why did you have to pick on Vickie? It's bad enough Cena and Lawler have to do it but you have to be their friends and hurt the nice lady too."

"harry potter is not boring he's a good actor.and yes u should of saw harry potter for the consideration ha :)"
James Michael Cusick Jr,

Little Fockers felt more like a corny TV show than a movie to me. "Aim
for the bushes" was too funny. You fell asleep during INception?
Uh-oh; they got you.
I didn't even consider Sex and the City nor think about Twilight."
I didn't even consider Sex and the City nor think about Twilight."
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